Have a question or comment?
See our FAQs, then email us.

Beauty for Freedom is a small and mighty team. Due to the volume of emails we receive, we are unable to respond to each message personally. We’ve created an FAQ guide below to help you. Please review this list before contacting us. If your question is answered below, you may not receive a direct response. Thank you!
Below you’ll find the most commonly asked questions about our programs, ways your business can support, and how you can volunteer.

General FAQs

How does BFF choose partner programs?
Through a rigorous process! When we are looking to expand, we put out a call for partner applications in countries of interest. Beauty for Freedom will have a preliminary conversation with a potential NGO partner, and if our values and shared needs align, an extensive written application will be completed, followed by a series of interviews over Skype or phone. Potential partners also submit financials as well as references, and our team will often do a site visit before officially adding them to the network. All of our partner programs share our philosophy for comprehensive, quality education and embrace the programming and support that the Beauty for Freedom network and scholarships provide.
How can I apply to be part of the BFF network of partners?
Our most recent interest form is here, and we review it twice per year.
How can I donate to Beauty for Freedom if I live outside of the United States?
You can donate here. The website can only support amounts converted into U.S. dollars. Please use a currency converter tool at the time of your donation to ensure that you are donating the correct amount.

Company Support

Does Beauty for Freedom partner with companies?
Yes, we welcome partnerships with companies aligned with our mission and values, who make a significant, multi-year financial contribution to our programs and general operations. We support these partnerships with high visibility and engagement.
There are many companies that support Beauty for Freedom independently, such as through donating proceeds from a product or service or employee fundraisers, often maximized through matching gift policies. We welcome you to use the tools and brand guidelines on our website to further your advocacy efforts.
How can I support Beauty for Freedom with a percentage of my business income?
This is a fantastic way to be an ambassador and fundraise! Donate as you would normally, through our website or by check. You will be eligible for the same donor benefits shown here.