01 Oct “An Exceptional Journey”
Article by Michael Räuschl.

The past 5 years, I’ve worked for Beauty for Freedom as an Ambassador and Creative Director behind the scenes and I finally could manage to join PROJECT GHANA 2019 in Winneba, Ghana.
It was my first time to volunteer for the incredible youth of our local Partner Organization Challenging Heights – survivors and at-risk youth of human trafficking. We were all there for only one goal to – empower survivors of labor trafficking and at-risk youth with our creative therapeutic workshops and skills-training.
Personally, our trip to Winneba, Ghana was the last piece of the puzzle for me, what was missing for a better understanding of the organization Beauty for Freedom and the cause of human trafficking itself.
To step out of my comfort zone, to face the issue and support the cause I’ve working for directly for so many years. Moments of joy, love and hope as well as hard work, physically and mentally.
It has been an emotional ride and I’m still struggling with words to express what I was able to experience with the entire Team of Beauty for Freedom and our work with the youth of Challenging Heights.
Sometimes I think, those kids taught me more than I could ever teach them. And it is probably true.
I grow, day by day.
I thank you for your trust and confidence.
“It is a human right. A right for everyone. But some of us lost that basic right
I will fight for those who have survived, for those who are victims of human trafficking and help them with my skills and capacities with all that I have within my heart to support a better and brighter future for them.” – Michael Rauschl

Thank You again to all of Beauty for Freedom’s Sponsors and Supporters for #ProjectGhana 2019. If you would still like to make a donation, please visit: www.beautyforfreedom.org/donate
We look forward to exhibiting the work of our students soon. Stay tuned @beautyforfreedom